Our Promise

We provide value by...

Improving the performance of each & every one of your assets 2 – 4%,
while making it easier to manage your fast-growing portfolio.


Historical & Operational Data. Clean it, organize it, systemize it. Train it to be useful. That’s how data becomes ready to provide insight.


Catch Anomalies & Outages as they happen. Prescriptive & Preventative maintenance in RealTime, 24/7, on the Cloud, always on the job.


Add Predictive Advanced Analytics, with built-in, Digital Twin AI + Statistical Rules + No-Code Rules Framework. Operations are Automated, but not hidden – with Detailed Analysis – no black boxes.


Fully Automated Prescriptive + Preventative + Predictive Maintenance tickets on 1-Platform. Prioritized by Revenue Impact or KPI’s you easily set. Vendor O&M’s share, so whole team on 1-Page.


Easily and Automatically internally or even to faraway investors. Every report based on RealTime Data & Advanced analytics. Easy to extend so your assets practically report their own performance.


Intuitive dashboards so Plant Techs – Outsourced O&M Teams – Asset Management – Operations Teams – Performance People – Senior Leadership – all the way to Investors – use 1-Source of truth.


Check out our Digital Twin based Platform...

to Future Proof your Solar & Storage Assets


The Renewable Industry’s Oldest Digital Twins…

Statistical models cannot predict how each plant will behave under different operating conditions.

  • Detailed, Personalized, Digital Replicas…

    of your Solar or Storage plants are the answer.  Then we can model precise yield capabilities in exact field conditions.  First creating highly accurate models to predict the behavior of each inverter, each SCB, each panel string – we can add them bottom up.

    Using data, we analyze (while monitoring) the past and present and simulate the future in RealTime. Time Travel allows us to see signals early, so they’re addressed proactively with Automated, Revenue Prioritized Tickets.

  • 3+ Years of Development

    of Digital Twins combined with Prediction and Anomaly Detection AI. These go beyond simplistic models, to multiple, hierarchical, purpose-specific Digital Twins, which are much better at identifying errors and anomalies much before they happen.

How does Quadrical Work?

Improve Generation:   2 – 4%
Reduce O&M Costs:   15%
Return on Investment :  10X

For Solar & Storage Assets

Digital Twin based CMMS

RealTime Data Centralizing | Monitoring | Reporting | Visualization

  • Single source of truth
  • Automated 24/7 operations on the cloud
  • Revenue prioritized tickets for preventative, corrective & predictive maintenance
  • Analytics built right-in

Snap-On Advanced Analytics

Add Predictive Intelligence to your Monitoring

  • Fully automated operation
  • Tickets integrated to your system

Plant Audit

Personalized Performance Assessment

  • Comprehensive Health Check
  • Value in 3-Days

[Add On] - Remote Operations Center (ROC)

Your 24/7 Performance Analysts

  • Remotely Track, Assess & Resolve Issues

[Add On] - Forecasting

Forecast generation with 98.4% Accuracy

  • Intra-Day / Day(s) Ahead / Week(s) Ahead

MW Solar
MW / 2433 MWh Storage
MW Wind Deployed on Quadrical

We Impact your Business in Weeks…