Predictive Analytics

To go beyond outages & alarms

Rapid Onboarding

1 GW Portfolio, on Platform in 45 Days

Prediction & Anomaly Detection AI

Proprietary, Patent Pending & Built-In


Digital Twin based Asset Operations Platform

Your global portfolio of Solar + Storage – more easily managed – on a RealTime, cloud-based centralized platform.

Use the Robust analytics built into our Automated systems or go very deep to understand root causes.  Or do both.  Real intelligence built into a Monitoring Platform, which becomes even more intelligent with time for 10X RoI.

Snap-On Advanced Analytics

Intelligence for your Monitoring

Seamlessly integrate with your current monitoring for insights from our Data Intelligence – integral to Quadrical’s Digital Twin approach.


Plant Audit with Digital Twins

Every day, even every hour, solar plants demand maintenance, but you’re already working at full capacity.   A Plant Health check, based on 1-Year of historical data can automagically identify hidden losses & underperformance. (DC, Inverter & AC).

Most importantly, we give you proactive recommendations to reduce losses, improve generation capacity and scale up revenue.  You can go back to growing your portfolio.


Power Forecasting

Accurately forecast future production on our platform with > 98.4% accuracy, to help make your internal planning & regulatory compliance stronger.


Remote Operations Centre

Optimize O&M with 365 Day, 24/7 support to focus on your fast growing portfolio.

Minimize turnaround time and mitigate risk through RealTime fault reporting and incident prevention, so your site O&M and performance work well.


Quadrical uses an optimal blend of managed & open-source technology, which offers the best fault tolerance and reliability. Giving you value for your spending, and making sure your projects improve by >2%.
This means >10X RoI for you.

Hardware Agnostic Connection

Frontend integrations for 100+ cloud API’s/data systems, SCADA systems, inverter portals, including our own RTU.

Hardware Agnostic Shape 1



Flexible, granular reporting, RealTime export, RBAC enabled

Data Client (OPC/CDC)

Seamless integration with any legacy 3rd party software, RealTime & optimized data transfer technology, Zero data loss

Key Performance Indicators

Open Architecture Integration Public APIs Hassle-free access to proprietary Digital Twin data Scalable, fully extensible

Open Architecture Integration

Public APIs, Hassle-free access to proprietary Digital Twin data, Scalable, fully extensible

AI-first Data Lake

Centralized bulk of data fetched in RealTime, Direct access to cleaned raw data, Zero sync issue

Balance Cost & Performance

Pay for what you need, Cost-effective reporting, Improved risk management


Flexible software, Industry experience and expertise, Tailored solutions for your needs

High Data Quality, Secure & Reliable

State-of-art Cloud Storage & Data Archiving solutions, 99.99% data availability, > 99.5% system uptime performance

Highly Scalable

Manage multiple portfolios, Deploy flexible architecture, Add functionality as needed