Our Features

Why Quadrical is the
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Ticket Manage

Outlived no dwelling denoting in peculiar as he believed. Behaviour excellent mid.


Live Messaging

Outlived no dwelling denoting in peculiar as he believed. Behaviour excellent mid.


Email Workflow

Outlived no dwelling denoting in peculiar as he believed. Behaviour excellent mid.

Deployed on Solar
/ 2140MWh Storage
Trusted Users
Active Accounts

Upgrade your Solar Asset Management with Digital Twins

Apply our actionable intelligence to your data, to maximize financial returns – from every plant under your watch.

Plant Audit

360° Personalized Plant Performance Assessment. 5-Day Time to Value. Directly Actionable Revenue Prioritized Tickets address Long-term/Ongoing and Short-term/Pop-up Issues.

Digital Twin based CMMS

1 – Source of Truth for Full Portfolio Visibility. True, Data Driven Decision Making. Improve Generation by 2 – 4% / O&M Costs by 15% while Monitoring.

Snap-On Advanced Analytics

Our Advanced Analytics seamlessly Snap-On any Monitoring System. ALL the Smart Analytics, integral to our Digital Twin based CMMS.


Intra-Day. Day (s) Ahead. Week (s) Ahead, with > 98.4% accuracy. Optimized database tailored to every required location, with ensemble of multiple weather providers.

Remote Operations Center (ROC)

We help you remotely track, assess, and resolve issues – enabling you to Optimize Operations